CPA Corner
Here you can learn about the benefits of pursuing a CPA, information pertaining to a career with a CPA license, and resources on how to attain the title of CPA!
Why be a CPA?
Why pursue the CPA exam you ask? Listen to our very own Junior Accountants Society officer, Jamie, to tell you more.
Now that we got you interested, here are several options for our career path.
Being a CPA allows you to level up your career, either working for the Big 4 auditing firms, a C-suite (CFO) position on a private company, holding a finance position with the government, consulting -- as long as there are numbers, yes, we got it! Payscale.com provides an overview of the CPA career path, click the link to get more details.
Welcome to your CPA path! Here are some items you need to know about the exam.
How to Become a CPA
Apply for the CPA Exam! You just need to remember the three E's - Education, Examination and Experience. For the complete details, click the link below on "This Way to CPA."
CPA Exam Updates
Changes in the CPA Exam (CPA Evolution) - Focusing on Core Competencies